Penang Trip

Hm... talking about Penang trip, my colleagues have been discussing about it and making many many changes to the plan in the last 24 hours or so. It drives me crazy because one moment they wanted to drive there. And then, almost immediately after, they changed their mind about driving there, citing cost as reason and decided on taking the train there instead. This decision looked finalized and just when they were about to go to the train station to buy the tickets, they had a change of mind....AGAIN!!!! They now think that it is better to drive there, not just using 1 but 2 cars! In all these, my participation for the trip has been changed from 'going' one moment to 'not going' the next moment and now I am at a limbo because I really don't know whether I am going or not. I think I should because now we have 2 cars going to Penang. Then again, I may not because they may decide against having 2 cars, in which case, we will be back at square one. Argh........ And all these.... just to plan for Penang. Sigh..... I probably will just stay back in KL and enjoy my cup of tea on the day they go. Much peace, much rest, no hassle and saves a lot of money too. Maybe, I should just get a few durian to keep me company. Ah... such bliss.

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