Football??? Nah.....

Football.... it's over-rated, over-watched, over-adored and obviously over-priced (the player obviously). For the past 18 days or so, I have to put up with colleague that appears at work looking like zombie, and the constant talk of football and more football. Which team wins, which team loses, the scores, the praises, the condemnation and of course the prospective winner to be crowned on July 11th. Sigh, I am really not interested in football. The sight of 22 men or rather grown up adults chasing after 1 ball in a big field really makes me think that football is just rather meaningless, as in don't these men have better things to do? I mean look at badminton, notice how the player uses tactics to trap the opponent. One has to think fast and obviously needs to possess good skills before one can play badminton. The ability to make use of speed and agility to peform a perfect drop shot, returning a shuttle using the back hand etc etc. Same goes for basketball, tennis, table-tennis, and even gymnastics, all these need good coordination and assessment, not something easy to do. But look at football, all they ever do is to kick the ball around, if not in any direction, it will be in all directions. But still, there are many followers. And so, I have to put up with shouts of victory in the middle of the nights till July 11th. Until then, I probably will not have a good time of rest. Thank God, all these only happen once every 4 years. I pray they extend 4 years to every 8 years, or better still, once every decade. I won't miss it. I think they should just ban football altogether.

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