Of colourful and unique drinks in Medan

The 3 drinks on the left are namely Timun Segar (Raw Cucumber) cum with seeds, Terong Belanda and Avocado with Milo.
Our tour guide, Roni got us these 3 drinks while at Brastagi and they were indeed a rare and colorful drinks.
I shall not comment on the Timun Segar as I really couldn't bring myself to drink it. The one in the middle is Terong Belanda, loosely translated as 'Dutch Brinjal', and tastes sweet and rather slimy in its texture. Its seeds are quite similar to those seeds of Passion Fruit and they provide a stony sense to the taste as they were not fully crushed. The one on the right with light green color is the avocado fruit. This is the best of the three especially with Milo mixed in. Slightly sour and again quite slimy in texture. After drinking both Terong Belanda and Avocado with Milo, I found my bowel moving smoothly shortly after taking those drinks. Yup..... I wouldn't mind more of these, even if it is only for moving the bowel. Try these when in Brastagi and make sure a toilet is nearby.

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