Experiences when using blog

Finally...the day is here for me to submit my IT project on blog. I must say it has been a rather difficult journey. To start with, I am not very good at computer. So when my lecturer, Mr Wilson asks us to start a blog as part of our assignment, I was sieged by panic attack. But with lots of guidance from him and a little trying here and there, I manage to get my blog going. Then came the writing part. I struggled with deciding on what to write. The first 6 articles, I was suddenly left with no more ideas on what to write. Thank God, I went to Medan and the 'special' and 'unforgettable' experiences there gave me more to write on (I still can't believe we were cheated, threatened and fleeced).
And then there is the flag counter. I got excited everytime I see a new flag on the flag counter. Never felt so excited about flags before.
And now that the assignment is due, I am beginning to think that I will miss blogging. I will definitely miss the flag counter. It serves as the most encouraging part for writing the blogs.
Who knows, I might continue to blog. Who knows, I might continue to work on the flag counter. And for all these, I have my lecturer to thank. At the very least, I got to learn about blog. And I find that it's a very interesting aspect of the internet.
To those of you who may just start to blog, add the flag counter..... it's fun. It provides the adrenaline rush. It keeps the momentum for writing.
Finally..... I hope I will get good marks for my blogs..... and pass with flying colors!!
Thank you Mr Lecturer.

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