Penang Trip Finalized

Finally.... after days of deliberation, of making decision and unmaking them again and again, finally a decision is reached. My fate: I am not going to Penang. As it transpire, another of my colleagues decided that she will not be going for some personal reason. And then, I see that opportunity to end all this deciaion making. I took my stance too. I told my other colleagues that I can't go too, for whatever reason. And they immediately okayed my decision. And so, it is decided then that my colleagues will go in one car. They will take turn to drive and they will also make stops to watch the world cup. Phew..... finally, it's decided. For a while, I thought we will never reached a decision. And oh yes, I will be drinking my cup of tea on that morning while my colelagues will make the arduous task of driving all the way to the Pearl of the Orient. Hopefully, they will have a fruitful trip and hopefully, there'll still be sparkle in the pearl of the orient. Hm.... maybe I should ask them to buy back Penang Durian for me. After all, it's because of my 'sacrifice' that they are able to come to a decision concerning Penang, saving them all the headache and money. Maybe, and hopefully, they will realize for themselves my sacrifice and buy me the Durian. Till then, I will dreaming of my Durian cause now I can sleep better knowing the outcome, and oh, world cup will not be playing for a few days after tonight. Hooray..!

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