Lake Toba

Also known as Danau Toba, this beautiful lake was formed after a volcanic explosion whereby water now fills up the remaining crater. No longer an active volcano, Lake Toba is a serene place for rest and relaxation. The jetty town is known as Prapat. There are ferry services to take tourists to the lake. One may choose to stay at Tomok village or Tuk Tuk village. Most tourists opt for Tuk Tuk Village as it offers many kinds of accommodation and activities. Staying in Prapat is not suggested if one wants to have the tourist crowd. For those who dislike the cold weather, make sure bring a jacket or windbreaker as it gets quite cold at night.

On the island, one can rent motorcycle for about RPH25000 per hour, which works out to about RM10 and only USD3. If you prefer to cycle, then get a bicycle for a mere RPH7000 an hour (make the conversion and you know it is worth it).

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