Experiences when using blog

Finally...the day is here for me to submit my IT project on blog. I must say it has been a rather difficult journey. To start with, I am not very good at computer. So when my lecturer, Mr Wilson asks us to start a blog as part of our assignment, I was sieged by panic attack. But with lots of guidance from him and a little trying here and there, I manage to get my blog going. Then came the writing part. I struggled with deciding on what to write. The first 6 articles, I was suddenly left with no more ideas on what to write. Thank God, I went to Medan and the 'special' and 'unforgettable' experiences there gave me more to write on (I still can't believe we were cheated, threatened and fleeced).
And then there is the flag counter. I got excited everytime I see a new flag on the flag counter. Never felt so excited about flags before.
And now that the assignment is due, I am beginning to think that I will miss blogging. I will definitely miss the flag counter. It serves as the most encouraging part for writing the blogs.
Who knows, I might continue to blog. Who knows, I might continue to work on the flag counter. And for all these, I have my lecturer to thank. At the very least, I got to learn about blog. And I find that it's a very interesting aspect of the internet.
To those of you who may just start to blog, add the flag counter..... it's fun. It provides the adrenaline rush. It keeps the momentum for writing.
Finally..... I hope I will get good marks for my blogs..... and pass with flying colors!!
Thank you Mr Lecturer.

Chipmunks-kenangan terindah

I like chipmunks.Their voices in particular..... that high pitch yet cute and very distinct voices of the chipmunks can definitely catch the attention of everyone who hears it. And I am one of them. So, I have decided to post my current favorite song Kenangan Terindah ala Chipmunk version. Listening to it intently I can actually feel the feeling of the songs just like in the original version by the original singer. Hopefully, those who visit my blog will enjoy it too. And speaking of chipmunks, I really miss those cartoon by walt disney that feature them in the form of "chip & dale", two of the cutest cartoon characters ever seen on disney cartoon. It has been a long time, but yet I hope that these cartoon characters will be given a new lease of life. If only they make a whole movie out of it. I will definitely be the first to watch it. So folks, enjoy the song by the chipmunks above.

Penang Trip Finalized

Finally.... after days of deliberation, of making decision and unmaking them again and again, finally a decision is reached. My fate: I am not going to Penang. As it transpire, another of my colleagues decided that she will not be going for some personal reason. And then, I see that opportunity to end all this deciaion making. I took my stance too. I told my other colleagues that I can't go too, for whatever reason. And they immediately okayed my decision. And so, it is decided then that my colleagues will go in one car. They will take turn to drive and they will also make stops to watch the world cup. Phew..... finally, it's decided. For a while, I thought we will never reached a decision. And oh yes, I will be drinking my cup of tea on that morning while my colelagues will make the arduous task of driving all the way to the Pearl of the Orient. Hopefully, they will have a fruitful trip and hopefully, there'll still be sparkle in the pearl of the orient. Hm.... maybe I should ask them to buy back Penang Durian for me. After all, it's because of my 'sacrifice' that they are able to come to a decision concerning Penang, saving them all the headache and money. Maybe, and hopefully, they will realize for themselves my sacrifice and buy me the Durian. Till then, I will dreaming of my Durian cause now I can sleep better knowing the outcome, and oh, world cup will not be playing for a few days after tonight. Hooray..!

Of Talentime and Indonesian Song

Lagu dari Penyanyi Indonesia, Samson bertajuk "Kenangan Terindah"

Aku yang lemah tanpamu
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang telah hilang darimu yang mampu menyanjungku

Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itupun aku mampu untuk mengenangmu

Darimu.... Kutemukan hidupku
Bagiku.... Kaulah cinta sejati
Yeah Oooooo

Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang tlah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah ooooooo

The above is a song I hear today because It is supposed to be performed by some of my school's students at the upcoming talentime. It is a very nice Indonesian song which talks about 'Sweetest Memories'. These students of mine have been practising hard to sing this song as a quartet. Initially they formed a group of 6 singers but instructons form my HQ don't permit a group number to be more than 4. So, now they have to choose 4 out of 6 singers, a difficult process because all of them are very eager to sing and allof them are good friends to each other. After all, talentime don't happen very often in my school, at most once a year. And to make things more difficult, this year's criteria are more stringent. My colleague has been teaching them how to sing so that they can do well in the talentime. I wish them all the best. July 23rd is still a long way to go and I believe that with practice, they can be better. All the best to the singers, whoever you are, whichever one of you.


They are here again. Ah.... the smell. The prick of its thorns. The shaking of the fruits and yes, the heavenly taste when the sweet pulp touches your tongue. Yes, it's durian season again. And yes, I get more excited about durian compared to football. Compared to the ball of football which comes only in one size and one shape, at least durian has many variants to it. There are the D24 (my personal favorite), D2, 101, D13, Ang Heh (Red Prawn), Kunyit, Musang and many many more. Durian comes in different sizes and shapes. At least, durian is not boring. They give you different flavor and texture. They are sweet and cause you to sleep after gorging on it. Just make sure you don't drink Coke after a hearty meal of durian in place of your regular dinner. Durian gives you a lot of pleasant surprises too. For example, an unassuming looking durian when pried open can give you the sweetest tasting fruit and so full of flesh the seed is nothing bigger than your thumb (this is Musang and indeed value for every cents). And talking about the best durian, I have not tried the Penang ones. Now, if I get to go to Penang, then I will definitely try those in Penang. I heard that they are cheaper and nicer. I will definitely eat to my heart's content after all the uncertainty of my going to Penang and having to contend with noises from the world cup crowd in the middle of the night. Durian, durian... what to do? I find you a better company than watching football and engaging in decision making about Penang trip with my colleagues. Hm... anyone for midnight durian feast?

Penang Trip

Hm... talking about Penang trip, my colleagues have been discussing about it and making many many changes to the plan in the last 24 hours or so. It drives me crazy because one moment they wanted to drive there. And then, almost immediately after, they changed their mind about driving there, citing cost as reason and decided on taking the train there instead. This decision looked finalized and just when they were about to go to the train station to buy the tickets, they had a change of mind....AGAIN!!!! They now think that it is better to drive there, not just using 1 but 2 cars! In all these, my participation for the trip has been changed from 'going' one moment to 'not going' the next moment and now I am at a limbo because I really don't know whether I am going or not. I think I should because now we have 2 cars going to Penang. Then again, I may not because they may decide against having 2 cars, in which case, we will be back at square one. Argh........ And all these.... just to plan for Penang. Sigh..... I probably will just stay back in KL and enjoy my cup of tea on the day they go. Much peace, much rest, no hassle and saves a lot of money too. Maybe, I should just get a few durian to keep me company. Ah... such bliss.

Football??? Nah.....

Football.... it's over-rated, over-watched, over-adored and obviously over-priced (the player obviously). For the past 18 days or so, I have to put up with colleague that appears at work looking like zombie, and the constant talk of football and more football. Which team wins, which team loses, the scores, the praises, the condemnation and of course the prospective winner to be crowned on July 11th. Sigh, I am really not interested in football. The sight of 22 men or rather grown up adults chasing after 1 ball in a big field really makes me think that football is just rather meaningless, as in don't these men have better things to do? I mean look at badminton, notice how the player uses tactics to trap the opponent. One has to think fast and obviously needs to possess good skills before one can play badminton. The ability to make use of speed and agility to peform a perfect drop shot, returning a shuttle using the back hand etc etc. Same goes for basketball, tennis, table-tennis, and even gymnastics, all these need good coordination and assessment, not something easy to do. But look at football, all they ever do is to kick the ball around, if not in any direction, it will be in all directions. But still, there are many followers. And so, I have to put up with shouts of victory in the middle of the nights till July 11th. Until then, I probably will not have a good time of rest. Thank God, all these only happen once every 4 years. I pray they extend 4 years to every 8 years, or better still, once every decade. I won't miss it. I think they should just ban football altogether.