Money is still king

Last friday on 21st May 2010, I was trying to fix the aircon switch because it was spoilt. This aircon switch looked easy to fix when i looked at it from the outside. When i tried to repair it, it took me a long time to figure out what was wrong with this switch. On that day i couldn't fix it because it was already late and it was time for me to go for classes.
Yesterday evening, my friends and i went to Pudu to find the switch at the shops. We went to one shop after another. We couldn't find any because they don't sell this particuler switch but they have many other types of switch and all other things you can possibly imagine.
At last, we went to other places and asked for it. All these shops also said the same thing. So we had no more choice but to take the last solution for this aircon problem. We just called the aircon service man to come and fix it. The aircon service man said it was ok. This was not a problem for him because he has faced this problem many times before.
This last solution is a good solution but we have to pay for it. Money is still king for everything. Sigh.......................................

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